Virai Dronescourge

The Dronescourge had been thought eradicated rom the reach of the Nexus.But after the ripples of disturbed space time spread from the Xilos catastrophe, it...Read more

Virai Dronescourge

The Dronescourge had been thought eradicated rom the reach of the Nexus.But after the ripples of disturbed space time spread from the Xilos catastrophe, it seemed gates have been opened to the past – and the Dronescourge have returned to haunt the galaxy. Vira are an artificial, drone life form with a complex machine intelligence. They do not call themselves the Virai: it is the rest of the universe that has done so – Viral AI. Even their logo (right) is the warning symbol used by the Antares races to warn of Virai – the stylised top down view of a Virai Warrior drone.ARIAID[1253]

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