The Outpost Blog

Operation: On The Way

Frustrated with low stock levels on Games Workshop products for far too long, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make things better. That’s why we’re launching Operation: On The Way!


A large shipment of much sought-after stock is on its way from Games Workshop to The Outpost


Secure your Games Workshop products straight off the truck, before it even arrives, and more importantly, before anyone else!

So there’s a huge GW order on its way to The Outpost! Hundreds of products in limited quantities!

Products that have been out of stock for what seems like an age and products that fly off the shelf as soon as we get them in.

Games Workshop Warhammer Underworlds   Warhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow - 60010799019 - 5011921180127
Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000   Boarding Patrol: Thousand Sons - 99120102187 - 5011921210121

But rather than wait for them to be delivered and hit the store shelves, we want to make sure you can secure the hobby you want, straight off the truck just like a pre-order!

It’s time to start planning

It’s a massively varied 1st delivery for this operation. For those of you interested in a maritime heist we’ve got a boatload of Citadel Colour on the way, from layer paints and contrasts to brushes and air paint.

We’ve a slew of filthy Necromunda (the setting is filthy, not the product, just to be clear) sets on the way with Rulebooks, weapon upgrades, and gangers.

The store staff are excited to see some reinforcements for Legions Imperialis come through, just in time with this week’s pre-orders! …Not that we expect any of it to actually make it TO the shop!

And of course, no GW order would be complete without a ton of Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000!

Boarding Patrols, Combat Patrols, Start Collecting, and Vanguard box sets are all on their way, ready to be snaffled by the fastest hobbyists around!

Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000   (Shop) Boarding Patrol: Drukhari - (Shop)99120112056 - (Shop)5011921210107
Chaos Knights: Knight Abominant 1
Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000   Boarding Patrol: Leagues Of Votann - 99120118017 - 5011921210145

This isn’t everything we’d like to have, there are still product lines we’ve had out of stock for too long. But we’re pushing to get them back in stock as soon as possible, so don’t worry if some of the specific things you want aren’t in this shipment, there will be more to come! So keep an eye on Operation: On The Way and make sure when we do get them in, you don’t miss out.

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