The Outpost Blog

Reload Or Respawn At The Outpost


Double Dipping isn’t the social faux paus we were always told it is!
Here is a prime example of how double dipping is not on acceptable, it’s 100% encouraged!

On one hand you can use Reload to get rid of your unwanted pile of shame, taking cash or store credit.

On the other hand you can Respawn, getting off to a great start with a new project by grabbing a starter set, a carry case, and some hobby supplies!

Now put those hands together!!

Reload AND Respawn!

RELOAD £10 1

We really do see your pile of shame differently!

It doesn’t have to stick around on your shelf forever. You really can move on to the new project you’re super hyped for!

We take all your old unwanted/unloved/unplayable minis for cash or credit!

New in box or new on sprue? We can take them.
Built? We’ll have them.
Sprayed? We’ll take them!
Fully or part painted? We’ll take them!!!!

Reload your minis today and get started on that new project sooner.
No more grey pile giving you evils from across the room!

Pick up a Safe Respawn Bundle at The Outpost and give that new hobby project a real kick!

Fed up with getting beat with your same old army?
Done with trying to get through painting the same old scheme?
Just can’t get excited about building more of the current project?

Get instore and grab a starter set or army box for that new game you are really looking to start, add a Safe & Sound carry case, a tin of The Colour Forge spray primer and any other hobby accessory to get a chunky discount!

Even better, tie these two programs together! Get store credit for your Reloaded pile of shame AND use that credit with a Safe Respawn Bundle!

Embrace your inner hobby butterfly and don’t be held back by your pile of shame!

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